It is a Simple Formula: Read a Book

Emily Jashinsky, commentary writer for the Washington Examiner addresses NeW members at the 
2018 NeW Dessert Party. Photo by Kait Winston Photography LLC.

Emily Jashinsky, commentary writer from The Washington Examiner encourages college students to further enhance their knowledge and value by taking a simple action: reading books. Jaskinsky said, “…books shape the way you see the world in a really important fashion and you don’t realize it unless you’re reading books.” She took the time to address this as the specific way young college women can become valuable contributors in their professional careers.

Jaskinsky made the remarks at the Network of enlightened Women’s (N.e.W.) 2018 Dessert Party, a time for college students to eat sweet treats, network and hear advice from professionals. N.e.W. holds this special event annually in February in Oxen Hill, Maryland as many NeW members are in the area for the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Conservatives across the nation attend the conference annually, which unites political leaders of the conservative movement.

As Jaskinsky began her speech she simply stated, “My advice to students is to just freakin read a book.” This can be challenging for college students who already have a heavy course load. There are students who set goals to read a certain number of books in a year, but can sometimes get stuck on one book. She acknowledges that sometimes this is normal, but it becomes a problem when you let that stop you from reading for years. Additionally, another challenge is distractions caused by forms of entertainment like social media.

“There are benefits between those pages in-between those pieces of cardboard that have the shiny finish,” she continued to say. When it comes to becoming informed, sourcing information from articles will not get you an in-depth or well-rounded understanding of the issue you are investigating. Reading allows you to expand your own ideas and gives inspiration for new ones. It is essential to have a well-informed opinion in order to be able to express it to someone else. If you really care about an issue, read a book.

“I am imploring you” said Jaskinsky, “to not try to take a shortcut to punditry, to not try to take a shortcut to fame, a short cut to notoriety.” For the women in the audience all across the U.S. desiring to become experts on certain topics she continued to advice them, that by taking the long road to become an expert in something will give you more professional value, and books can get you there.

Before leaving the podium, Jaskinsky encouraged students to reach out to her if they had any questions, and even if they just wanted book recommendations. Additionally, she said she recalled meeting a few women in the audience from other N.e.W events she previously spoke. She took the time to mingle in the crowd with them, took photos and spoke individually with all the motivated young women present.

This year, as hundreds of college students come together at CPAC, N.e.W will host a Women EmPower Hour at Pretty Girl Cupcakery on Friday, March 1, 2019 from 4 PM – 6 PM. We hope you can join us!


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