
Showing posts from December, 2018

Is Your Professional Mission Statement Ready for the New Year?

As the year comes to an end, you are probably beginning to reflect on what you did well and what areas could use improvement. For many, setting New Year's resolutions is a way to approach making improvements to their lives, but do New Year’s resolutions actually work? Instead, set yourself up for success by writing a personal mission statement. What is a personal mission statement? A personal mission statement is like a corporate mission statement. However, a personal mission statement is… well, personal. It is a declaration of who you are, what you stand for and what impact you want to have on the world. Throughout your life, it can serve as a call to action when you are straying away from your focus. It can be helpful in providing awareness to your future self, identify your core values and beliefs and help discover what's important to you. Overall it can: Establish who you are, and who you want to be. Give you a clear focus. Simply any decisions on your ca