Encouraging Your Heart Workshop

While in two different organization realms - politics and Greek life - Network of enlightened Women paired with the Delta Zeta Sorority for another time to co-host a workshop entitled, “Encouraging Your Heart” led by Monica Tutt. The Network of enlightened women strives to empower, educate, and enlighten young women through a Conservative political lense. Delta Zeta promotes sisterhood, philanthropy, and academics.

Organizations tend to get caught up in themselves and stress members out - we’ve all been there. By following a few tactics, members can get a clear understanding of their place and purpose within the group. Encouraging Your Heart focuses on seven essentials - setting clear standards, expecting the best, paying attention, personalizing recognition, telling a story, celebrating together, and setting an example.

By creating a transparent atmosphere and setting SMART goals, all members can know exactly what is to be done and who is in charge of what. SMART goals consist of specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely goals that an organization or individual can work towards.

It’s difficult to remain optimistic all the time, but when participating in an organization, it’s important to remain positive! Negativity spreads like wildfire within an organization. Staying positive can be the difference of member participation or membership withdrawal.

All members have something to contribute to the organization, so paying attention to each other’s strengths and interests can really bring out the best of each woman.

If someone succeeds, let them know that you’re happy for them. NeW and DZ are both organizations that have strong bonds between members. Reaching out to one another and letting them know that you’re proud or there for them can mean more than you ever know.

For older members, telling a story may help younger members to better understand what’s going on. When events are done repeatedly, we can learn new things from epic fails or things that went really well. It’s important to carry those critics on to better improve your organization!

Organizations should be filled with friendship, teamwork, and a common interest. When a member succeeds in something they care about, it’s important to celebrate together! An organization should be there for one another - especially for the ups in life.

People are led by example. We often don’t realize it, but in an organization, we look towards others to know how to think or feel about certain things. Lead by example and do what you say you’re going to do! No one likes a flake no matter what their position is or isn’t. Leaders must be set to clear standards because that’s where credibility and trust begin.

The Network of enlightened Women and Delta Zeta learned a lot from the Encouraging Your Heart workshop held on Monday, April 2nd. It’s always a great time meeting NeW people and learning NeW things!


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