Learn S'more About Us

The start of a school year is always fun, exciting, and honestly a little intimidating. Each year, UNC Charlotte hosts a Fall Student Organizations Showcase after Freshman Convocation on the first Monday before classes start.

It was a big day for the UNC Charlotte Chapter of Network of enlightened Women who is still semi-new to campus. Excited to start our *second* full year on campus, attending these events were critical to gain membership and a presence on campus!

The day started out with tabling at the Showcase for NeW. The table was set up - pretty in pink - with flyers, social media handouts, and more literature about conferences. Raspberry lemonade was a great thank you to prospective members who jotted down their emails to keep up-to-date on NeW meetings and socials.

After the Showcase, NeW held an interest meeting, “Learn S’more About Us!” in the Student Union on campus. With four dozen s’mores cupcakes from Delish Cakery and sign up sheets ready, the doors opened at 6:30pm. Students gathered around tables to enjoy their cupcakes and conversation with others.

The most popular topic was how feminism today is not what it used to be. NeW believes in educating, enlightening, and empowering women through conservative beliefs and traditional feminism. Feminism today holds a negative connotation in the right-winged world as it typically includes outraged liberal women man-hating and marching in the streets with women genitalia on their heads. Network of enlightened Women at UNC Charlotte wants to bring traditional feminism ideas back into the main light of the media -a true understanding of gender equality, equal pay, and to share that it’s okay to be a woman and proud of it.

The first general body meeting will be held next Monday, August 27th at 6:30pm and NeW is *super* excited to see how the semester goes!


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