The Importance of a Planner

Strolling the seemingly endless aisles of my local Target the past few weeks, I see all of the school supplies lined up on the endcaps tempting buyers like me who are headed back to class. My favorite items to look at are the planners. Typically, they’re girly - just like me - and give you the immediate feeling of wanting to get organized. There are a few reasons why these spiral-bound pieces of paper are great ideas - especially for busy college students.

You can plan out assignments.

Let’s start by focusing on academics which is the main reason to purchase a weekly planner. Keeping track of four to six different classes can be a struggle especially when you’re balancing everything else in your life. By using colored pens and highlighters, you can specify what assignment is due when for a certain class. Filling out the weekly planner portion helps you see your “day by day” tasks and the month-long calendar allows you to see the bigger picture.

You can plan out extracurriculars.

There’s no better time to have a social life than when you’re out of Mom and Dad’s house, but a planner allows you to learn how to time manage.  By comparing when assignments are due and when that “I have to be their social” is, you can plan accordingly. College is all about getting involved in extracurriculars - Greek Life, academic clubs, and event intramurals - but sometimes it can all seem a little overwhelming. A planner allows you to lay out club meetings and activities so you can be proactive the whole month long.

You can plan your productivity.

Planners allow you to see your life laid out on paper. This is *mega* helpful when there is so much going on. At the end of each week, you’ll feel like a bossss when all your tasks are highlighted or checked off. By letting yourself mark through finished assignments, it allows you to feel a sense of accomplishment and motivation for the next week. It’s really a great feeling.


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